Monday, 10 November 2008

Last Call for Predictions

Tomorrow we have an ultrasound, at which we are supposed to find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl. So this is your last chance to make a guess! Are we going to have an Alexander or an Eve?


alexandra said...

Eve. (?) I am excited to know for sure!

Unknown said...

Eve! And a very belated congrats!!!

Sally said...

Girl! Good luck! What do YOU think the sex is?

Tiffini said...

I have to go with Eve. I can't wait to see if I am right!

Pete said...

It's got to be Alexander! Really? Alexander? Alex? I was just watching Family Ties and thought how awesome it would be to have a little "Alex".

Kate said...

Alexander. Definitely.

Cathy said...

I has to be a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Atleast I hope so! But if it's a boy, I'd be ok too! Tat, I need a really good, cute, timeless picture of James, I'm working on an AP portfolio for my ap art classes and I want to do one so badly!!!

Lindsey said...

An Eve! Can't wait to find out.