Friday 13 March 2009

Some People Came to Visit

Our dear friends, Boad and Kevin, came to visit last week. We had a fabulous time, despite decreased mobility in half our party - due to my advanced stage of pregnancy and Boad's gnarly mountain-bike mishap the morning of his departure from SoCal. The question was not "What did they do and see?" but "What did they not do and see?" Micah was (per usual) an impeccable host and tour guide, and I enjoyed stepping out with my boyz. It was a very welcome distraction from my pregnancy-induced ennui. They went back home (to their respective wives and kids) on Sunday, and James is still asking for them. (This morning it was the declaration as he came downstairs, "I want Boad and Kevin.")

If you want the full story, Micah posted all 317 photos he took of their visit on flickr.


Tiffini said...

Wish I could come visit!

Sally said...

I agree with Tiffini! How lovely.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

FUN!! I would love to come visit!!

alexandra said...

Tat, you are the most gorgeous pregnant woman I have ever seen. Those shots of you in the black shirt with the light embroidery (sp?) and the sunglasses. Wow.

Looks like you guys had a fun time. Some of those photos of Kevin and Boad made me smile a nice warm smile. Those guys are so great.

mary said...

No kidding, lucky visitors! What a fun picture, by the way. I love it. And you look SUPER cute. I love your shirt.

hillary and britton said...

I really like this photo.