Tuesday 22 April 2008

Brought to You By the Letter H

Imagine my excitement tonight when James learned his first letter! He was taking his bath, and he has these foam letters and numbers that stick to the tub when they're wet. He picked up the red letter "H" and said, "Look, H!" It just goes to show that Big Bird really knows what he's talking about.

Also, the big news this week is that James is learning to wear "big boy undies." I decided it was time to potty learn when he brought me a dirty diaper he had taken off himself. Just as Big Bird is helping us with our ABC's, Elmo is helping us remember to go to the bathroom. So far, we've had several accidents, but also several successful trips to the loo. Wish us luck!


The Trevor said...

I guess that means I'm 26 times smarter than Giacomo...

but not for long...

keep up the good work nephew.

Laverna said...

Huzzah for forays into the realm of potty training.
I could never figure out why it takes boys longer to get trained.
Maybe they're just brain damaged. :D
Seriously though, it's exciting that he's figuring out his letters!

Sally said...

Wow! He's getting so big! I'm glad you're having some success. We've started toilet training Lexi this week too. Hopefully before long we'll both be able to be have diaper free children. Good luck!
P.S. Thanks for the link to the Elmo video. Lexi loved it!

kt said...

what excitement around the Christensens! letters AND potty training. so many new things to learn! :) good luck!

mary said...

Good luck, good luck!

Emma said...

Yea! Good for James! I've potty trained 2 boys and 3 girls so far and I still feel like I don't know how I'm going to manage this skill with Jared! But good luck with it! That is such a big accomplishment! Great reading! What a smartie!