Saturday 20 September 2008


I thought I'd string together a few random thoughts and experiences today. First, this lovely picture of James playing with his friend, Eva. Yes, she appears to be writing on his head with a water pen. Eva's mommy, Stephanie, was one of a handful of extremely helpful and wonderful friends who watched James for us while I was in the hospital or otherwise incapacitated with morning sickness. Thankfully, I am glad to report that I am feeling a lot better now. I'm still nauseated and tired most of the time, but not so much anymore that it keeps me from functioning.

News: James started nursery school on September 8th. You can click here to see some pictures of him on his first day. He goes in the mornings for two-and-a-half hours, which is just enough time for me to really miss him. Or he DID go in the mornings, until he got suspended from school for not being potty trained yet. Oops. That did not get done because of my whole being-spectacularly-sick thing.

But it brings me to our next bit of news: we are potty training now! James is actually doing a wonderful job and is tons more motivated this time than the previous couple of times we made the attempt. Which shows me he is ready. So we should be ready to go back to school soon.

Finally, I wanted to mention a crazy pregnancy craving I've been experiencing - Granny Smith apples. I eat them by the bushel. Seriously, I eat four to six apples a day. They are one of the few things that actually tastes good. Go figure.


kt said...

i am so happy to hear that you are feeling a bit better...and that you are craving such a healthy food! the pics of James on his first day are too cute! and YAY/WAHOO/YIPPEE for potty training! :)

Sally said...

We are glad you're feeling a little better. Why does potty training have to be so difficult for some kids? Lexi's on her second time around, she was mostly potty trained, then the past couple weeks have been horrible! Good luck and know you're not alone in your efforts!

Marianne said...

I hate potty training. You'd think we were WAY through with all that. You'd be wrong. Sigh.... Glad you're feeling a speck better though!! Hang in there. It's physically impossible for you to be pregnant forever, although I know that's hard to believe at this point!! :-D

Emma said...

3 cheers on James being ready for potty training! That is wonderful. We are working with Jared. Feel free to share any tips that work with James! I need all the help I can get!

Tiffini said...

Yeah for survival! I hope things keep going well with the potty training. Hang in there--we are thinking of you.

Laverna said...

So glad to hear that you're feeling at least a little better. I love tart apples of any kind -- so excited that it's fall time and there's actually some good ones to be found!