Wednesday, 24 June 2009

I Saw Maggie Smith in Marylebone Today!


Camille said...

We saw "satan" at the grocery store last weekend -- but not as cool! Thanks for remembering me today - that's sweet of you! Hope all is going well for you and yours!

mary said...

Neat! Sweet father's day post, too.

Emma said...

How fun! Did you get an autograph or just admire from a distance?

Tiffini said...

cool. We just watched #3 last night!

Marianne said...

You lucky!! (Was she dressed like that??)

The Trevor said...

I don't know what Marylebone is!!!!!

hillary and britton said...

and I didn't! I wish I was on the walk with you...

Tat said...

Emma... I admired from a distance. I have gotten celebrities' autographs before, but I decided not to this time.

Marianne... she *was* dressed like the photo, and a minute after I saw her, she transfigured into a cat.

Trevor... Marylebone is simply the name of a neighborhood in London.