Wednesday 8 October 2008

For All the Mothers, and Fathers, and Pretty Much Everyone Else

I just listened to a really inspirational talk that was given at the LDS General Relief Society Meeting on September 27. I know that many of my readers may already have heard this one, but if you haven't, I highly recommend it. It may just be the pregnancy hormones, but I felt really uplifted and touched by it. And yes, it's applicable if you're not a Mormon (or even a woman). It is entitled "Happiness, Your Heritage," by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. The written version can be found here, or you can listen to the audio here, or watch a Quick Time video version here. The broadcast lasts about 21 minutes.


Cynthia said...

I heard this talk too. I think my favorite thing about it was was what he said about creativity and service. Having a project helped me survive my early years of parenting the most. I didn't realize until later how it made life more bearable and like I was making a difference-- especially on days when I had little adult conversation and lots of housework.

Camille said...

I loved this talk! I also apprecicated how his talk during the regular general conference was about hope. I guess I really needed this theme in conference, if you will!

Emma said...

I really liked his talk too.