Friday 25 January 2008

The Reason

I called my mother in tears last night. I was having a panic attack brought on by several things, including my recent involvement in a website called Goodreads, on which a bunch of your friends try to make you feel as unintelligent, uncultured, and poorly read as possible (that's not really the point, I just feel like it sometimes). Anyway, my saintly mummy (I'm in England, people) reminded me of this Carol Lynn Pearson poem:

The Reason

A certain panic
Finds me
When I see
A forest, a train
A library.
So many trees to touch
Faces yet to view
And, too
So many words to read.

If I concede
All space to earth
All time to life
The disproportion
Is absurd
(My tiny taste
And the giant waste
Of all creation
I've not known).
What a wretched
Faithless view
Of God's economy.

It isn't true.
The forest, the train
The library--
Are why we have

Thanks, Mom. I can breathe properly again.

1 comment:

mary said...

Love the poem. Sometimes all this connectedness makes me feel that way too.